Fall Arrest Harnesses

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  • Camp GT Chest Harness


    Camp GT Chest Harness

    Camps GT Chest Harness is a step forward in comfort for technical ropeā€¦


Fall protection equipment is critical in a work environment that requires treks to high places. It's vital to invest in a safety harness that provides adequate fall protection in case an issue occurs with the work positioning

There are several types of fall arrest harnesses on the market. You can get a few that simply go around your shoulders and chest, while other harnesses wrap around your hips and the entirety of your body.

Whatever type of restraint you choose, ensure you have something that will catch you. Whether you're window washing or ladder climbing, fall arrest harnesses can mean the difference between life and death.

What is the Best Type of Fall Protection Harnesses

When considering safety protection, you will stumble across several types of fall arrest harnesses. The most common varieties include full-body harnesses, y harnesses, and fall limiters. With three ways to safely navigate high work environments, which is the best to wear?

Out of these choices, the full-body harness is the way to go. It provides the most support by wrapping around your legs, waist, and chest, and full-body choices can often carry more weight than other harness choices. They can be worn in most industries and reduce injury a worker might be exposed to otherwise.

Why Invest in Quality Fall Protection Equipment?

Why invest in fall protection equipment at all? It might seem much easier to risk it all and climb without an additional harness.

Quality fall protection equipment can defend you from serious injury and save your life. It also helps improve your range in the climb and allows more work to get done. There are many applications to this body belt. Protection safety harnesses made from quality material such as kevlar are the way to go.

Ensure you get your fall protection equipment from a quality company to prevent accidents that come from negligence on the part of the manufacturer. We have a few excellent choices that are guaranteed to keep you as safe as possible up high.

Our Top Picks for Fall Safety Harnesses

There are many options for fall safety harnesses, but these are a few that rise to the top for us. They are accessories that make attaching additional safety measures simple. They get the job done without restricting movement, all while saving lives.

Read on to learn more about each of our picks on this list. With assistance, working in high locations doesn't have to be so risky.