
Mauget Abasol Insecticide & Fungicide


Maugets Abasol contains Abamectin and Debacarb. It is a combination fungicide and insecticide for use with aphids, spider mites, leaf miners, and other insects. It also targets anthracnose, various cankers, oak wilt, and Dutch Elm Disease, among others.

Active slide of Mauget Abasol Insecticide & Fungicide


Maugets Abasol contains Abamectin and Debacarb. It is a combination fungicide and insecticide for use with aphids, spider mites, leaf miners, and other insects. It also targets anthracnose, various cankers, oak wilt, and Dutch Elm Disease, among others.


Mauget Tree Disease Treatment & Timing

Mauget Insect Treatment & Timing

Video - How to Apply Injection Capsules


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Product Datasheet


USAGE: A special formulation of debacarb fungicide plus abamectin insecticide is for use on ornamental trees. A combination of Mauget’s Fungisol plus Abacide in one application, Abasol provides disease suppression of over 30 pathogens and long lasting control / suppression of over 7 insects.


TARGET INSECTS:  Aphids, Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Elm Leaf Beetle, Fall Web Worm , Leaf Miners, Lepidoptera Insects, Pine Nematode, Spider Mites, Sycamore Lace Bug, Thrips, Whiteflies


TARGET DISEASES: Anthracnose, Atropellis Canker, Bleeding Canker, Botryosphaeria Branch Canker, Cedar Branch Canker, Ceratocystis Canker, Coryneum Blight, Cytospora Canker, Diplodia Tip Blight, Dutch Elm Disease, Elm Wilt, Fusarium Wilt , Kabatina Branch Canker, Leptographium Canker, Melanconium Dieback, Mimosa Wilt, Nectria Canker, Oak Decline, Oak Wilt , Penicillium vermoeseni, Phomopis Canker, Pine Pitch Canker, Pink Bud Rot , Thielaviopsis Decline, Vermicularia Dieback, Verticillium Wilt


OTHER RELEVANT INFO: A complex of pests, not a single problem, often causes the decline of trees and plants. Trees weakened by insects are prone to attack from disease organisms. In some cases, insects are vectors of diseases, such as the Elm Bark Beetle in Dutch elm disease. 


  • Two treatments in one application
  • Labeled for a Broad spectrum of INSECTS and DESEASES
  • University and field tested
  • Completely enclosed, minimal risk application method
  • WARNING label


PACKAGING: 4mL ... 24 Capsules per Carton

Product Type:
Mauget Injections